Speaking Club

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Speaking Club

The best way to Practice Speaking English Online. Structured conversation meetings with incredible hosts.

One-on-one Conversation
40+ Weekly Meetings
43,000+ Members



The Speaking Club is the best way to Practice Speaking in English
and other languages Online in a real life setting.
Structured conversation groups with incredible hosts.

One-on-one conversation | 40+ Weekly Meetings | 43,000+ Members

Awesome Meeting Types
IELTS Preparation      Job Interview    Group Discussion

Minimum level: Intermediate

The Speaking Club is Fun Safe Friendly Effective

Meet people from all over the world!

Practice speaking in a real life setting
➞ Host will arrange everything
➞ New topics every meeting
➞ One on one conversation
➞ Multiple partners

Speaking Club meeting displayed on computer screen with timetable in the background
Speaking Club meeting displayed on computer screen with timetable in the background
Speaking Club Profile example and Find a partner search form

Language Exchange

Find practice partners

A social platform for language lovers
➞ Find a Partner search form
➞ Add friends
➞ Messaging
➞ Rate your partners

Speaking Club Profile example and Find a partner search form

We have some great discounts for students:

30% OFF for students

In the spirit of making this platform truly multi-cultural, please enjoy a 50% discount as United States is under-represented on the platform. We need more members from your country to make these meetings truly a cultural experience.


  • 4 Free meetings
  • Find a partner
  • Forum access
  • No ads

1 month
  • $19.99
  • Unlimited meetings
  • Find a partner
  • Forum access
  • No ads
15% OFF

3 months
  • $8.33/month

  • $49.99
  • Unlimited meetings
  • Find a partner
  • Forum access
  • No ads
25% OFF

6 months
  • $7.49/month

  • $89.99
  • Unlimited meetings
  • Find a partner
  • Forum access
  • No ads
Powered by ARPrice

Speaking Club is available on Android!

(further proof may be required)

speaking club

Free Meetings

All Meetings are FREE to join
Until the End of the Year

(current memberships have been extended by 2 weeks)

Part 1 – Symbols

1. What are some famous symbols that you know?
2. Are symbols important? Why or why not?
3. [♿]Is your city easily accessible for people in wheelchairs in your country?
4. [$] How does your currency compare to the dollar?
5. [☮] How can we achieve world peace?
6. [☯] How can you bring balance to your life?
7. [☢] What do you think of nuclear power?
8. [⚤] Would you rather be a man or a woman in a next life?

Part 2 – Disability

1. How do schools in your country help children with learning disabilities?
2. Are you close with anyone with a disability?
3. How can we be mindful of people with physical disabilities?
4. What are some public amenities important for disabled people?
5. How often do you watch the Paralympics?
6. What’s an inspiring story about someone with a disability?
7. How can we be mindful of people with invisible disabilities?
8. How can we encourage public conversation regarding disability?

Part 3 – Conversation

1. How do you take care of yourself on a busy day?
2. How do you feel about pets on furniture?
3. Would you rather live in New York City or Paris? Why?
4. What is the maximum amount of pets you would have?
5. How many books are on your reading wish-list right now?
6. How often do you watch celebrity awards shows?
7. What makes you satisfied with your day?
8. If you could go back one week, what would you do differently?

You can Register here